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Présentation au Colloque des directeurs généraux et directrices générales du réseau scolaire, organisé par le ministère de l’Éducation Québec (Event in french)

May 26, 2022

On May 26, 2022, the first Symposium of the Directors General of the School Network was held, organized by the Ministère de l’Éducation Québec. Nadia Naffi was invited as a speaker to discuss digital intelligence in education.

Digital intelligence in education for the empowerment, well-being and success of all 

Making informed decisions to ensure educational persistence and success has never been more critical, and, thanks to digital intelligence, more possible. The pandemic has accelerated an inevitable educational and digital transformation to better meet a shifting labor market and a knowledge-intensive, human-centered, data-driven 5.0 society. Today, educational leaders have the opportunity to collaborate with artificial intelligence to better support their teams and stakeholders in educational success and ensure augmented, adaptive, inclusive and equitable learning environments and experiences for our students without exception so that they become the agents of change we hope for. In this intervention, Nadia Naffi, Assistant Professor in Educational Technology in the Department of Teaching and Learning Studies in the Faculty of Education at Laval University, holder of the Chair in Educational Leadership (CLE) on Innovative Pedagogical Practices in a Digital Context – National Bank and co-leader of the Education and Empowerment axis of the International Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital (OBVIA), will provide examples of responsible and effective appropriation of AI and use of data for decision-making advantage. It will facilitate a discussion on how, by putting people, their empowerment and well-being at the center of digital and pedagogical transformation, digital intelligence will support managers and all actors in the education network in their important mission of preparing responsible and equipped citizens who, through their actions, will impact not only the future of Quebec and Canada, but of the planet.