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Active – Female workers facing the challenge of digital information: A case study in the insurance sector

Overall Objectives

Assess the nature and extent of digital transformation in positions filled by female workers from at-risk socio-professional categories, as well as the needs of workers and employers;

Develop innovative approaches to skills management, training and support, and models for the reskilling, upskilling, and outskilling of those female workers;

Evaluate training and support models tests, from the view of the workers and their organizations, with an eye to ongoing improvement. 

Specific Objective (Focus of the CEL)

Conduct a systematic review the of literature about pedagogical practices in the training, upskilling, and reskilling of women facing the challenge of digital information and transformation


The research team includes researchers from CRIEVAT, ATN, IID, OBVIA and CeRTIA

More details about the project are found here.

The website of the project is found here.

Professionals and research assistants


Revue systématique de la littérature sur les pratiques pédagogiques en matière de formation et de perfectionnement professionnel des femmes confrontées au défi de l’information et de la transformation numériques entre 2019 et 2021 (French document)

Approches de formation tout au long de la vie pour mieux équiper les travailleuses face aux défis de la transformation numérique : Une revue de littérature

Many thanks for the past contributions


Future Skills Centre – Centre des Compétences futures (FSC-CCF) logo (CNW Group/The Future Skills Centre)