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Viviane Vallerand

Viviane Vallerand
Research Assistant

Formerly an elementary school teacher, Viviane Vallerand is a doctoral student in psychopedagogy under the supervision of Professor Christine Hamel. She is also the recipient of a SSHRC scholarship and a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Université Laval.  She is currently pursuing her research on artificial intelligence (AI) in education in collaboration with professors Nadia Naffi and Chris Larnder at the Observatory on the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technologies (Obvia) as coordinator of the Education and Empowerment Axe. She is also Obvia’s representative at the Centre d’Expertise sur l’AI en éducation (CEIAE) in collaboration with the Quebec Ministry of Education, Mila, IVADO, GRICS, CTREQ and GRIIPTIC. Finally, she is interested in raising awareness of digital issues such as disinformation and algorithmic manipulation with high school teacher Simon Duguay at the Chaire de leadership en enseignement sur les pratiques pédagogiques innovantes en contexte numérique – Banque Nationale and Obvia.