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Emmy Lapointe

Emmy Lapointe
Research Assistant

In fall 2023, Emmy Lapointe completed her SSHRC- and FRQSC-funded dissertation on Sad Girl Theory, under the direction of Sophie Létourneau. At the same time, she began her doctoral studies at Université Laval under the direction of Julie Rivalry-Pilon and Chloé Savoie-Bernard. Her post-graduate research, funded by the FRSQSC and Université Laval’s doctoral leadership grant, focuses on intimate relationships between women as places of refuge in cinematic and literary fiction. She teaches literature at Collège Mérici and is editor-in-chief of Impact Campus. She also collaborates with URBANIA and participates in various research projects in several faculties. At the same time, she is pursuing undergraduate studies in law. She is the author of the book Les marées se briseront sous tes pieds, published by Leméac in spring 2021.

For the research chair, Emmy Lapointe is working in collaboration with Julie Goulet and the chairholder on the creation of a visual database and a document to explain the legal elements surrounding the use of deepfakes in disinformation on a national and international scale.