Coralie Reynaud

Coralie Reynaud is a student in Educational Technology in parallel to her full-time job in the Service de l’Ingénierie Pédagogique et de l’Innovation, at the Cégep à distance in Montreal. With two master’s degrees in law and a few years of teaching experience, she specializes in Copyright law within the academic field. The general tendency towards transitioning to online education, accelerated by the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, has led Coralie to participate in discussions about stakes with legal ramifications such as: the publication of educational material and the sharing of resources within the academic network, the use and development of open educational resources, hybrid courses, universal accessibility, etc.
Coralie is the teaching assistant for the course TEN 7001 Approche systémique et analyse de besoins for the fall 2020 semester and for the course TEN 7006 Design de systèmes d’enseignement et de formation.
Coralie created and facilitated the échanges des TechnoEdu+ on copyright (in french).
Coralie’s contributions to the blog :