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Are you looking for a book to read?

Many of the suggested books are part of Sofia‘s collection. Click on the reference to find the book.

Rummler, G. A., & Brache, A. P. (2012). Improving Performance. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley.
von Bertalanffy, L. (2015). General System Theory. New York, USA: G. Braziller.
Luhmann, N., & Gilgen, P. (2012). Introduction to Systems Theory. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley.
Udell, C., & Woodill, G. (2019). The Shock of the New. Alexandria, USA: American Society for Training & Development.
Lanier, J. (2019). Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. New York, USA: Picador.
Schwab, K., Davis, N., & Nadella, S. (2018). Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. New York, USA: Currency.
Schwab, K. (2017). The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Reed Business Education.
Cable M, D. (2019). Alive At Work: The Neuroscience Of Helping Your People Love What They Do. Harvard Business Review.
Cable M, D. (2020). Exceptional: Build Your Personal Highlight Reel And Unlock Your Potential. Chronicle Books.

N.B. This is a non-exhaustive list of books to be examined. This list will be updated on a regular basis with new relevant links.