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ACFAS | When Teaching in a Comodal Environment: Reflections on the Gymnastics of Teaching Spaces in a Digital Context [Event in French]

May 6, 2021 11:25


531 – Les défis de la formation à distance faisant appel au numérique en enseignement supérieur


In this presentation, we will share our reflections after having tried the first experiment of teaching a graduate HyFlex course. HyFlex or Co-modal training is defined as “a training system where face-to-face and distance training modes coexist simultaneously, allowing the student to choose on a weekly basis the delivery mode that suits him/her, according to his/her needs or preferences” (Université Laval – Conseil universitaire, 2012, p.4). This comodality offers flexibility in time and space to students resulting in a higher level of inclusion. In addition, it gives them the opportunity to develop the technological and social skills necessary to collaborate and exchange with colleagues in a simultaneous face-to-face and remote manner. We will discuss the design of both face-to-face and distance activities in the course entitled “Instructional and Training Systems Design“, the choice of space and technological equipment to accompany the teaching and learning activities, the strategies adopted to facilitate these activities and to face both expected and unexpected challenges, the students’ reactions, and the lessons learned. We will conclude this presentation with a reflection on the sustainability and scalability of this pedagogical practice in the digital age and artificial intelligence. 


Nadia Naffi – Université Laval , Ndèye Rokhy Diongue – Université Laval